Keeping your company clean is a good way to retain customers, keep the property value high and avoid some types of repairs and replacements. So, how do you stock your janitorial supplies in the right quantities and varieties? Your Services partner should be able to help. They can get these products through distributers who specialize in them to get a better deal and more options. This allows you to keep your building cleaner for less money and in less time.
Why Do You Need Them?
Everything gets dirty. It’s an unfortunate fact of life. Some places and things get dirtier depending on traffic and use. The same is true for facilities, especially those which have high traffic from employees and customers. In addition to general cleanliness, some companies and spaces will need to be disinfected more often and more thoroughly than others. Running a clean business can keep customers coming back, especially if you have restaurants or doctors’ offices in your facility. It is important to determine the level of cleanliness you need for your facility before you go shopping for supplies, this can help keep you from making costly decisions.
What Type of Facility?
The products you need will depend on the type of building you have. If you don’t have any carpeted floors, for example, then you will probably not need a vacuum or carpet cleaner. The size of your building, or buildings, can impact which products and vendors you need as well. For instance, some companies will have a bulk purchasing plan and some will not be able to sell smaller amounts. Knowing as much as possible about your needs, before purchasing supplies to fill them, can help you keep your budget under control without straining your janitorial storage space.
Our Mission at Bright Corners Services is to focus on service, allowing you to keep your buildings cleaner and in better repair as well as keep customers coming back. You can find lists of items your building will need depending on what industry it is in, such as food service or manufacturing, or you can let us take this off your hands.